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Pioneer Life Group

The pioneering group was established by Mrs. Wang Xiulan and a family of members in May 2017. It specializes in attracting new brothers, sisters, and friends from the church. It is a diverse group that focuses on Bible study, prayer practice, and growing together. We are vessels to build disciples for the kingdom of God and expand the borders of the kingdom of God.



If you are looking to know God, you are welcome to come and have a look at our group. You will know the only true God and his wonderful deeds in the group, and you will also know that he is in your life. There is a wonderful plan in life that can make your life more valuable and meaningful, filled with peace, joy, contentment, and hope.


If you or your family is already a member of the kingdom of God, you are welcome to come to our group to experience it. Focusing on the in-depth study of the Bible, the practice of prayer and various discipleship training courses will better equip you to become a soldier of the kingdom of God. Prepared to serve God more effectively, the multiplication of the group will give you the opportunity to meet new challenges to expand the kingdom of God and fulfill the good will of God in our lives.


Discipleship courses include: Mount of Assurance, Equipping of Saints (1, 2), Formation and Living of Believers, Co-worker Training, and Cell Leader Training. Bible study (three times a month), project study (once a month), study including prayer (series), gospel meeting, special lecture, and Bible reading experience.




Weekly group meetings include ice breaking, worship, in-depth Bible study or special lectures, testimony sharing, and prayer sharing. These arrangements will make you quickly integrate into our family, know God, receive the grace of spiritual life, and understand us. The meaning and value of life, the weekly prayer meeting will help you practice the ministry of prayer.


Outings and festive dinners allow us to relax in our busy life and work, the sharing of testimony makes us sigh God's wonderful deeds in our lives, and constant gratitude makes us more graceful. Tasting good food makes you sigh that the works of food experts from all walks of life are so wonderful and radiant, and the aftertaste is endless. The annual 12/31 dumplings will let us make dumplings together to welcome the new year.


In short, we are so blessed in the kingdom of God.



Every Friday at 7:30PM



8711 Old Perry Highway, Pittsburgh PA, 15237  


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