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Youth Ministry Intern

To apply: Send cover letter and resume to

Job Description

Pittsburgh Chinese Church is seeking a Youth Ministry Intern to shepherd and equip our families, teaching them to walk the path of discipleship as Jesus commanded. We desire a Christian who cares deeply for youth, equips them to grow in Christlikeness, and labors in partnership with PCC leadership. Furthermore, he or she should engage with understanding the unique challenges of a church where various Asian cultures clash with Western culture, helping parents to embrace and fulfill their responsibilities in discipling their children. Our preference is to establish a long-term relationship. We look forward to helping our intern to discern God's calling, to grow in knowing how to work among the families of the church, and to help our intern with further training.


  • Must have a genuine love for the Lord and serve out of an overflow of his calling in ministry.

  • Must have a passion for reaching youth with the gospel, be committed to faithfully pray for youth, and have the ability to communicate effectively with youth.

  • Must be comfortable working with Chinese immigrant families, helping to equip parents to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

  • Must be able to build a shepherding relationship with Chinese/Asian youth, who are mostly English speaking.

  • Must joyfully affirm the statement of faith of PCC and follow church doctrine.

  • Must pass the Child Safety and Criminal Background Check required by laws of the State of Pennsylvania.


Youth Ministry
  • Build relationships with the youth and provide a model of growing spiritually.

  • Work with youth leaders to provide sound biblical teaching during Friday night youth fellowship and Sunday school.

  • Discipleship of the middle school and high school students, as a role model of growing maturity in Christ, and exhortation and counseling.

  • Collaborate with and follow church leadership, including the deacon for youth ministry and other co-workers to plan curriculum and organize activities for the youth (grades 6-12).

  • Assist in planning for youth retreat, outreach opportunities, and special programs.

  • Help the youth understand what being part of church body entails and grow to participate in PCC communities and activities.

  • Strengthen and work within the biblical principles for families to help our parents embrace and understand their God-given roles.

  • Cultivate and identify appropriate candidates for youth staff and children’s Sunday school.

Administration and Support Responsibilities
  • Be accountable to Elders and to the church Council, as specified by PCC’s constitution.

  • Report to the church council on youth and children’s ministry.

The Church

Pittsburgh Chinese Church (PCC) had its roots in an outreach by Mrs. Lizzie Shaw in 1937 to Chinese children in downtown Pittsburgh. PCC was formed in 1965, and now serves the Lord in the North Hills area of Pittsburgh. Our church unites a mix of different demographics and cultures, spanning Chinese immigrants from China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia, as well as second and third generation ABC’s, college students, youths and children. We have both a Chinese and English worship service. Our youth ministry is a 20+ person ministry consisting of middle and high school students.

To apply: Send cover letter and resume to

Meet the Search Committee

Our search committee covets your prayers as we seek God's servant to lead us in our family and youth ministry. As we search, please pray:


  • that we would honor God through our search and how we seek and discern the right fit for PCC;

  • that God would prepare PCC to be a place of blessing and growth for this servant;

  • that God would prepare his servant to shepherd us with integrity and wisdom; and

  • that God would help this committee to be united by his truth and spirit.

Kevin Chan
Ellen He
Pastor Hans Sun
Howard Hoi
Paul Tong
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